RICS Independent Valuation Reports
A market valuation gives a professional opinion of the property’s value relative to the current market.
- A surveyor’s valuation figure is completely independent and can be used for various official and regulated purposes (an estate agents’ valuation is not an ‘independent valuation’).
- The valuer takes into consideration the property attributes such as location, size, condition, and specification along with market trends.
- Inspections for valuation purposes typically last around 30 minutes and will require access to the property.
- We provide valuations for a range of purposes including the following:
- Help to Buy Loan redemptions
- Shared Ownership/Equity
- Probate
- Inheritance tax
- Capital gains tax
- Personal reference
- Matrimonial
How much does it cost?
We keep our overheads down; this means we can offer our services at the most competitive prices. Typical fees are as follows:
- £178 for properties under £250,000
- £190 for properties £250,000 – £350,000
- £240 for properties over £350,000
How Does it Work?
Step 1 – PROVIDE YOUR DETAILS, by using our on-line form or call us
Step 2 – RECEIVE A FIXED QUOTE, then choose your visit date and time
Step 3 – MAKE ARRANGEMENTS, we make all appointments on your behalf
Step 4 – THE INSPECTION IS CONDUCTED, always by an experienced RICS surveyor
Step 5 – RECEIVE THE SURVEY REPORT, which is always dispatched within 3 days